Thursday 22 November 2018

Why have print newspaper sales declined?

Why have print newspaper sales declined?

  • Print sales have declined for a number of reasons, for example the internet; it is responsible for the demise of the newspaper industry, due to technology evolving and growing, leaving minimal interest in print newspapers. Additionally, the web has made the advertising market more competitive, which has driven down rates and, in turn, revenues. However, this has been a growing problem over years, not just recently. Television's arrival in the 1950's began the decline, as it brought the news to the consumer faster and in more visual style than newspapers, which is constrained by their physical format and their physical manufacturing and distribution. Nevertheless, despite recognizing this, the internet is not only the main reason; cultures change, as well as lifestyles, work and demographics. Subsequently, newspapers have been forced to cut costs; with labor costs constituting 50% of newspapers expenses and staffing was the first to go. Between 2001 and 2009, daily newspapers reduced overall newsroom staff by 25%, resulting in a fall of journalists and passion in our population. 
  • Faced with these challenges, the newspapers had to adapt. So, they created online editions - most are free - which are easily accessible on the go, easy to read and enables the news feed to be received effectively fast that are provided on laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Resulting in a ridiculous rise in online technology and accessibility, figures show that 55% of adults use the internet to read or download content from papers, broadcasters and online-only websites. Moreover, websites such as Facebook and twitter have become ubiquitous part of the life of young people, with 93% of 16-24-year-olds using social networking sites. 
  • Social networking platforms have completely changed the media landscape for not only the journalists, but also the audience. For example, due to having access to the world from your personal account (by using the World Wide Web) new sources are now not just those who are experts in the topic at hand, but at regular citizens who may have been at the scene of the news and uploaded footage from their phones to Facebook, twitter etc. 
  • Participatory media has also changed due to readers being able to comment on articles and have debates with other readers, voicing their opinion. Additionally,  there has been a huge rise in the number of citizen journalist and it is constantly growing.  Relationships between writers and audiences are also much closer. Writers take into account audiences opinions and reactions to better improve their journalism and cater to their audience. 

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Jean Baudrillard