Thursday 27 September 2018

Boyz n the hood


C: The costumes in this video characterize the actors, it is a way of expressing themselves as they choose what they wear to school. There is a contrast between the two main boys, as one is wearing a tracksuit and a hat - who also speaks rudely and is extremely cocky - and the other is wearing a shirt beneath a jumper - who seems polite and understanding. The two girls in the back dress and seem roughly similar, so there is no dramatic contrast there. The teacher dresses stereo typically - smartly and presentable. In addition the mother also wears a smart purple dress, this juxtaposes to what the teacher thinks, as she boldly asks if shes educated. 
L: The lighting is rather dark and dimming when referring to the streets; due to representing the harshness of reality in this town. In addition the killings, shootings and racial tension sets a dramatically cold atmosphere. The buildings appear dull and old, with only graffiti splashing a slight of colour onto the walls. 
A: The main actors are all black, which shows - through this film - the struggles of their life to the audience. This makes it much more personal and effective. There is a divide between the white and black characters, for example the teacher is not only rude to the child but his mother too, the killing of the white president, and there is a huge amount of disrespect. More importantly, despite there only being 6 characters, this film represents all the other black Americans -   "one out of every twenty-one black Americans will be murdered in their lifetime." 
M: n/a
P: Despite not seeing any physical gun in action or in sight, the importance of the weapon is extremely serious - the whole clip is based on the shootings. 
One of the main boys uses a map to explain their attribute to Africa, identifying where they came from, however the other main boy disagreed - its almost like he was ashamed...  

M: Music doesn't seem to appear within this clip, however many sound effects are added to create suspense and build the tension. Moreover it captivates the attention of the audience, focusing them on the main features. Especially in the beginning when a helicopter noise fades in the background and suddenly a sharp bang appears whilst a quick transition of a 'stop' sign shows. This abrupt moment gives a sense of realization or instructions - things need to stop. Additionally, another sign appears 'one way'; the sound of a chime acts as another sound effect in the background. This contrasts to the usual violent sounds that have been applied before. This also sounds like a type of discovery or solution. 
C: The sound effects are parallel to this certain video. 
D: There is many diegetic sounds, such as the dogs barking, the ruffle of the rubbish, the weather, beeping cars and the actors' voices. However there is also non diegetic sounds, for example whilst the camera focuses on a close up of the president - each shot getting closer and closer to his face -  a 'bang' effect performs each time. Not only emphasising the multiple times he got shot but the reality of the dangerous aspects happening in the street where the kids live. 
O: At the beginning (whilst advertising the industry) there is many off screen voices, which are mostly in a violent and aggressive tone, such as the screaming and shouting. Additionally the screeching police sirens, firing bullets and the echoed police radio sets the scene to the audience, they immediately understand that the theme of violence and anger will occur. Moreover a child cries " they shot my friend, they shot my brother". This voice imagery generates sympathy and sorrow - why should a child have to go through this?  During the off screen voices, two facts appear on screen: "one out of every twenty-one black Americans will be murdered in their lifetime" and "most will die at the hands of another black male." Moreover, when the clip displays the several drawings (sketched by a child) a woman speaks off screen, who - too - mentions death and killings. 
V: There isn't any voice overs within this clip.
E: Despite there not being any physical music during this video, the off screen noises and sound effects create emotion for itself. The sense of fear and trouble is constantly emphasised and the theme of killings and shootings create an emotion of  uncertainty 
D: The dialogue between the actors appear to be very slang and expressive. For example one of the main characters stuck his middle finger up at the president, this body language creates a sense of racial tension and violence. Moreover, the swearing and fighting that happens in class also portrays this certain expressiveness; the kids also seem out of control. Moments after, the teacher rings the boy's mother, asking rude and discourteous questions. This dialogue is important due to the racial tension and the attribute of unfairness. These could be all the issues that needs to be resolved.  


S: The screen time is quite quick, viewing roughly 8 hours in 5 minutes. 
T: There are alternating transitions, some sudden - for example in the beginning of the video, the scene aggressively and unexpectedly changes to the 'stop' sign - and some smooth - such as the soft and blended shifts to show the diverse drawings. Furthermore this constructs an awareness of empathy towards the children, as normal young kids would possibly draw family pictures or animals etc, where as these specific children draw dead bodies, police cars and helicopters; due to that being a part of their daily life. 
O: The day is in order, as it displays the children's day at school, from morning to evening. 
P: The pace is quite steady - not too quick but not too slow.
S: There isn't any special effects in this video except from sound, which i have previously mentioned. 

1 comment:

Jean Baudrillard