Monday 24 September 2018



M - music
C - contrapuntal/ parallel 
D - diegetic/ non diegetic 
O - off screen
V - voiceover
E - emotion
D - dialogue 


S - screen time
T- transitions 
O - order of narrative 
P - pace
S - special effects 

Practice ( UP scene) : 

M: the music tells a beautiful story without words needed, it creates love and passion through the soft violins and happy melody. Resulting in a romantic atmosphere and genre. 
C: the music is parallel to the setting; the upbeat and cheerful tune relates to an adoring and blissful emotion, and the slow and saddening music relates to a desolate feeling. This is purposely used so the audience feels the way the characters feel. 
D: there is non diegetic music in this scene, the music states the emotion and words for itself.
O: there is no offscreen voices or actors in this scene. 
V: there is also no voice overs. 
E: the music creates two controversial emotions - happiness and sadness. these contrasting emotions allows the audience to connect with the characters and permits the journey of their life to come together; every couple has their ups and downs. 
D: there is no dialogue within the characters. 

S: roughly 40/50 years have passed within a 4 minute clip, therefore the screen time is very short and quick. 
T: 1 minute and 21 seconds into the clip there is a very delicate and important scene. The couple seems to be preparing for a baby as Ellie is painting a child's room in luminous and complementary colours, representing happiness. The music is upbeat and cheerful, however a few seconds later a simple and smooth transition appears - with not only a different scene but a change in the tone of music; slowing down. A grey and dull atmosphere lingers whilst the couple crouch in despair, knowing they are unable to have a child. This creates a great deal of sadness and emptiness. 
O: this clip is in order as it shows their lives pass through the years, from the past to the present.  
P: The pace is extremely quick; due to passing 50 years within a 4 minute clip, however it has a smooth and gentle approach.
S: there is no special effects within this movie; due to it being a cartoon. The clip is extremely natural and pure. 

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Jean Baudrillard