Tuesday 11 September 2018



Media includes a variety of specific elements, for example a newspaper, a magazine, a film, an advert, social media and music. These specific forms are presented to us - as an audience - in our daily life constantly. We are completely surrounded by the influential and original ideas by others; persuading, presenting, creating, informing. We repetitively read, listen, watch, upload and play, these aspects all contain the involvement of media. 

My favourite types of mediađź’—: 

  • Like the majority, I spend most of my time on social media (both snap chat and Instagram). Despite the negative attitudes towards the overpowering world of social media, I find having a social life rather important and influential; due to the huge impact it has. Such as staying in contact with friends and family, following individuals that you admire, uploading photos and sharing your passions.
  • In addition I believe music is one the most important aspects of media as it's a passionate approach to express how you feel. This could be explored by a beat, (whether its slow or fast, exhilarating or calm) or a type of movement such as dance. Personally, music can be a subject that defines someone, what they like or example. Imaging a world without the complicity of music seems rather impossible. Music is also used in a myriad of other ways such as in an advert, a film, a game, a show etc. This helps identify a certain mood, a way to captivate someone, intensify something etc. 
  • Lastly, film is also a crucial part of media because its used to entertain and it embodies and conveys the values and beliefs of the culture within which and for which it is made. The use of film seems to have not run out of interesting and compelling stories with complex and compelling narratives. It has a huge impact on our lives and how it influences us.

Notes from class:

➱ L - language (camera, music, editing, costumes, lighting, makeup, pop)

➯ I - industry  

➯ A - audience (who is it targeting?)

➱ R - representation (who? class, age, ethnicity, sexuality. What? message, place.)

*key word* INTERTEXTIALITY  - Two different medias working together 

→ This advert - promoting the 'original adidas' - involves a myriad of intertextuality by referring to other texts and other media. This could possibly remind the audience that we are in mediated reality. This runs counter to the dominant 'realist' tradition which focuses on persuading the audience to believe in ongoing reality of the narrative. Or could be used to modernise a certain media, the song for example - 'My Way' - produced in 1969 is used but edited to create a fresh and new version. This further reinforces why that specific song was chosen; doing things your 'way' makes you 'original', linking to the message of the advert. In addition the advert also displays diverse versions of the understanding of science towards human anatomy, creating their own version with different individuals, representing that everyone is completely different in their own and unique way. Importantly, the advert further includes various races (black and white skin), classes ( famous people, such as Kendall Jenner and snoop dog along with ordinary people) and ages, which sufficiently identifies the equality within this video but also varies the audience for this specific product. 
→ Varied camera shots are used, especially a technique called 'fast cutting' which refers to several consecutive shots of a brief duration (3 seconds or less). In this video its used to convey a lot of information very quickly and to imply chaos and energy. At the end, a powerful statement is mentioned: 'original is never finished', this symbolises how important being original is, it will never end as it changes constantly.    

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Jean Baudrillard