Thursday 13 September 2018

Camera Shots

F - frame
A - angle
M - movement

 XLS (extra long shot), used to set the scene and create an isolated appeal. 

LS  (long shot) includes feet and head, still involving most of the background. 
 MSL (medium long shot) is above the knees
 MS (medium shot) is formed from the belly

 MCU (medium close up) is from the chest 
 CU ( close up) is the whole head 
 XCU (extra close up)
 BCU (big close up) , displays the characters emotions 
 LOW , creates a threatening and over whelming appearance, making the character seem powerful
 BIRDS EYE, used from a high angle
 CANTED/ TILTED, generates a confusing aspect
 WORMS EYE, is used for a dramatic effect
HIGH, makes the character seem and feel small

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shots, missing a canted/tilted angle. Could you upload an image from google and replace yours?


Jean Baudrillard