Thursday 22 November 2018

Daily Mail info

Daily Mail:

  • established in 1896- refers to tradition 
  • loyal supporters of the British Royal Family 
  • outspoken right wing political ideology (brexit)
  • owned by Daily Mail and Genral Trust 
  • 1.25 million print circulation
  • research Geordie Greig 
  • talks to regions not the urbans, older demographics, average age 50. 
  • changed from Paul Dacre to Geordie Greig, who allegedly is 'slightly softening' the news papers hardline on brexit
  • however the daily mail historically and now has a right wing editional stance
  • C1, C2, D - middle aged, middle england, aspirational middle class, working class 35+ with significant 55+ print readership but younger online  

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Jean Baudrillard