Thursday 22 November 2018

What are the Guardian news values and target audience?

What are the Guardian news values and target audience? 

More people are reading The guardian News more than ever; with a 16% increase in page views and 14% increase in browsers from 2016-2017. According to The Guardians' statistics, they reach 24.1 million views monthly, where as The Telegraph reach 23.1 million, The Independent 17.3 and The Times 8. The Guardian also influences 13.6 million views weekly and 4.8 million daily.  Additionally, their personal readers completed a survey about their journalism; 87% trust what they read, 84% feels a close connection, 82% believes that it offers them an aspect they can't get anywhere else, and finally 98% states reading their news is time well spent. They typically target a well-educated, relatively young, predominantly male and liberal audience centred around London. 52% of Guardian readers are male, and the average reader is 44. 

Online News:

Top Five Stories on The Daily Mail and The Guardian:

Daily Mail:
- PM agrees pact with EU that says Britain will be able to strike trade deals around the world.
- Nurse is stabbed.
- 15 year old daughter advertised her secret party and her house got wrecked.
- Mother and son went missing trying to find her car at a reservoir.
- Key less car can be stolen in 23 seconds.

The Guardian:
- PM agrees pact with EU that says Britain will be able to strike trade deals around the world.
- Illness costs UK £94bn a year, OCED report says.
- Police missed chances to prevent Manchester arena attack.
- Man killed on remote Indian island tried to 'declare Jesus' to tribe.
- US-Israeli man jailed for 10 years over bomb hoax calls.

Both The Guardian and Daily Mail have the same headline outlining the pact with EU. 
However The Daily Mail displays stories focusing on unambiguous, negativity and personalisations. They are targeting non intellectual audiences, with little text and information -  'key less car can be stolen in 23 seconds' (an irrelevant story)
The Guardian focuses on an intellectual audience, basing their stories on bexit and politics.  Even the titles are daring and overpowering. They all included a myriad of information and intellectual facts. 


The Daily Mail:
- 'She is rubbish, both as Home Secretary and PM. Far too timid. We should have cloned Margaret Thatcher.'
- 'Yeah its called World Trade organisation.'
Mrs May was a Conservative Party activist at the age of 12. Her life has been getting sadder by the day ever since. Give it up Theresa.
- 'Fake news.'

The Guardian:
- 'Weakness is her strength.'
- 'What else have we conceded then?'

Most of the newspapers comments were negative towards Brexit. This is because recently Brexit have been developing issues, and The Prime Minister is 'under fire'; due to wanting to go through a weak deal. Therefore, as a result, hatred from left and ring wing people has sparked; everyone is against Brexit, constantly commenting abusive and opinionated responses towards this article. 

Twitter: Daily Mail 

PM spoke in the about why delivering on Brexit will allow us to come together as a country and move on to focus on the big issues at home, like our NHS.


Mrs May i have been reading draft agreement. Who wrote this junk? Are they paid by the word?.the draft is a one way street Brussels. Aside paying 39bn we pay for things we financed in the first place...someone is on a take... we are being conned

Well done, you've managed to finish off your party. What a great achievement. Won't ever vote your party again.

Twitter: The Guardian

PM spoke in the about why delivering on Brexit will allow us to come together as a country and move on to focus on the big issues at home, like our NHS.

The British people want this to be settled. They want a good deal that sets us on course for a brighter future. That deal is within our grasp and I am determined to deliver it.


Someone change the record its stuck!Personally I’m bored of hearing same BS OVER AND OVER I’ve moved on it’s no longer about Brexit for me it’s about getting May and Conservative party out of power.They betrayed the nation. We asked for a clean break and we were betrayed

1 comment:

  1. Summary of comparison of findings, what is the difference in their choice of priority articles?


Jean Baudrillard