Friday 14 December 2018

Daily Mail Mock Up evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?

As a class we were asked to mimic a Daily Mail Front Cover on news that was happening in the world at the moment, for example:

  • Child Obesity increasing (energy drinks - high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer.)
  • Rumours of Ant Mcpartlin entering the jungle in 'Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!' 
  • Salmonella outbreak 
  • Health Issues increasing 
  • A case on STD's 
  • Must include xmas stories/gifts (context) 

Moreover, the idea was to create a template that was representational to a typical Daily Mail front cover of your choice and we also had to include at least two stories from the examples above. 

What did program did you use to complete your task?

The program I used was publisher, as it is relatively simple and is easily adjusted to create a template of a Front Cover. 

What tools did you use to create your task?

  • Photoshop (Title, Ant's hat and background)
  • Editing 
  • Cropping 
  • Removing background 
  • Researching similar fonts to The Daily Mail's 

What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

Personally, I believe the biggest obstacle was achieving a similar text to match The Daily Mail title and font. Firstly, I found a slightly similar font that was on the internet that I could adjust and print screen, however after 'fitting' this into publisher, enlarging and cropping, the overall text became blurry. Therefore, I decided to change to Photoshop; this enabled me to adjust the thickness, size and shape of the font without resulting in a fuzzy outline. Additionally, I also struggled with the negative space within the front cover, after several alterations, I managed to achieve a 'packed' perception, like The Daily Mail. 

Describe your production and why you chose the various text headings and images?

  1. I chose the Masthead to be 'Children's Obesity disgraces the nation!' as it portrays ridiculously dramatic expression, similarly to The Daily Mail's over exaggerated stories. Furthermore, this draws the readers in, petrifying all classes, ages and genders. 
  2. I also added a feminist aspect; applying the title 'Sexy jumpers to impress your boss!' displays a ridiculous stereotype of The Daily Mail's connotations of women and their -beautified' interests. 
  3. I wielded a stand alone image of Ant as a 'celebrity story' and included 'Ant is making a return...'. This incises the reader; an unexpected rumour that everyone is going to talk about. 
  4. My subheading also draws attention, due to the dramatic and seriously dangerous consequences that are continuously listed; a shocking reality is portrayed. 

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

It took me several attempts to get my cover to appear similar to the original I was copying; there was too much negative space, the image was too stretched, minor spelling mistakes and a fuzzy masthead. Nonetheless, when I had changed the errors, I had feedback of it looking like a Daily Mail Cover, portraying specific aspects that stand out to the viewer and showing a clear representation of a Daily Mail Front Cover. 

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?

What went well:

  • The Photoshopped image
  • The Christmas theme 
  • The similar font and characteristics 
  • The representational colours 

What I would do differently:

  • I would of used photoshop more to alter certain sizes and shapes to minimise the negative space 
  • Apply a photo to 'sexy xmas jumpers to impress your boss'

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Jean Baudrillard