Friday 14 December 2018

social media news

  • Immediate posts.
  • Everyone can view it/report problems.
  • Stories spread on a vast scale very fast.
  • Easier to view on portable devices.
  • 140 character limits preventing vast, detailed stories.
  • false news.
  • inaccuracy, key facts missing.
  • Biased.
  • Inexperienced reporters.
News Addicts- Types of readers/ people:
  • Fix - addicted to news, need a 'fix'.
  • Track - Accesses news regularly throughout the day to keep up to date.
  • Fill - Is a commuter, uses it as a past time when traveling to work or has free time.
  • Indulge - Make time to enjoy the news as a break from everything else in the day.
  • Invest - Read the news regularly to get an in depth perspective on stories.
News Readers:
  • Millennial: The younger generation (under 30), that get there news from twitter and social media platforms online.
  • Boomers: The older generation (above 30), that traditionally watch BBC news at 6pm where the main focus is formal news on politics, weather and world issues. (Catch up).

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Jean Baudrillard