Thursday 28 February 2019

minecraft questions and introduction

Minecraft - 2 questions: industry and audience - 15 MARKS each, 25 MINS

- Marcus Persson aka NOTCH - creator of minecraft
- minecraft has sold over 150 million copies 

Minecraft is a multi platform open sandbox game that started as indie by Marcuss Persson and it went on to be developed by Mojang and sold to Microsoft

Mojang was independent, seperate to and not financed by a big commerical comapany

But as a small independent products become successful conglomerats want to buy them
Why do audiences like minecraft so much?

- Minecraft is a literal sandbox with infinite replayability 
- Game is only limited by the confines of your imagination
- A strong community 
- The players' creations are minecraft's own marketing campaign 
- Its platforms agnostic - ios, psp, x box, windows phone
- It has been co-opted by children which made it a household name
- It is not limited by genre 
- It fulfills our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness 

TRIPLE A- a huge company game (equivalent of a big 6 film)

a YouTuber's Experience with Minecraft

1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?
Over 5 million subscribers on his main channel and over a million on his second channel

2) How many years have he been doing this?
He's been uploading to YouTube for over 5 years

3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
His fan base kept asking him to make YouTube videos on Minecraft so he done it

4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
Balance both Call of Duty and Minecraft videos and try merge them together

5) Describe his average working day
Wakes up between 12-2pm, turn on setup and start computer, then get ready and by 3-4pm, makes 3 videos a day. 2 videos on mine-craft channel then another video of cod channel. makes 1st video for 7 then next for 10pm then final video 1am. 

6) Why might we watch YouTubers?
Viewers like watching YouTubers to get ideas and their point of view of how they take the challenge, whilst supporting the creators

7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
Twitch is a live streaming service which allows viewers to watch people play video games in live time. Average viewer spends 4 hours.

8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? 
Roughly $2.5million

9) How much was Minecraft purchased for? 
2.5 billion

10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Money 
b) To expand to all of the different devices 
c) New audience to Microsoft 

11) How might this affect the game? 
Oversee the development in the future, offers more support and infrastructure so mine-craft can be made bigger and better in the future,

12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
The community 

Wednesday 27 February 2019

evaluation of radio 1 presentation

What was the task you were assigned?
- We was assigned to create a short 3 minute voice clip by recording an audition tape of a new radio 1 Breakfast Show program. We needed to consider timings, chats, famous people interviews, music, jingles and all of the radio 1 standards and remits as well as the 30 second news and weather. We also needed to think about the fun games and the daily quizzes, prizes and include new British music.
Who was in your group and what was everyone's role in the task?
- My group included Louie and George.
- Together we created the script and then Louie and I recorded our voices and then Louie also edited the videos, by applying the jingles, edits, music and timings.
What fresh ideas did you bring to the program?

- we included a new quiz: 'finish off the lyric', with a huge give away prize (a chance to jet off to Orlando with three other special guests)

- we included upbeat music in the background
- upbeat presenters
- chatty dialogue
Who did you interview?

- interviewed John from Great Yarmouth (prize winner)
What tracks did you choose and why?

- 'that sound' by Sam Fender

- 'Thursday' by Jess Glyne
- both up to date music from 2018, targeting the younger generation. However they are diverse in category; 'Thursday' is a rather 'girly' song, exposing emotions and a rather slow beat, and 'that sound' is stereo typically preferred by boys and is upbeat and overpowering. 
Who is your target audience?

- The target audience we were aiming the show at were the younger listeners - ranging from around 15-29. This is because these artists are likely to appeal to them. In contrast to older listeners that would rather listen to more classical and jazz music.
What do you think you could have improved in terms of content ?

- to possibly include more content in terms of interviews, especially with celebrities, or include some social media content (tweets, quotes, posts).
this would attract a younger audience by involving the social media and would also enable them to interact with the radio presenters and the company as a whole.
This would also link to the expectations of a BBC Radio 1 presentation as Greg James always interacts with the audience by using social media and includes many interviews.
How did you relate to/attract your audience?

- The songs we played were related to the audience, as they are young emerging artists with popular genres of music to the younger generations. 
- Also, we added a chatty dialogue to entice the younger audience. 
- Our prize also would attract a mix audience due to its varied enticement  
How does your product fit in with the BBC/PSB remit?

- I believe that our product fitted in with the BBC PSB remit as it entertained the audience with original ideas

We used a jingle and the intro to BBC Radio 1 so that the listeners know what channel they are listening to and what sort of themes they will be hearing - upbeat, happy, chatty recordings. On the other hand, we had to ensure that the 3 minute recording was guaranteed to educate, inform and entertain the targeted audience. These are all factors that people would recognize the show as when they listened.
What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

We had rather positive feedback: 
- very informative 
- chatty dialogue 
- good editing and music
- included many aspects: weather, news, quiz, music 
- clear voices 
- social media/ number was clearly addressed 
however the only negative aspect was the unenthusiasm within some parts of the dialogue, therefore to improve we would alter to an genetic tone to reflect on the audiences' mood. 
To improve? 

- In terms of improvement, our group could have involved a celebrity artist or a famous person ringing into the show.
- We could have also used more people within the recording to make it more interesting - for instance, examples of different people listening to the show.
- Change the tone of voice so it sounds more entertaining and easier to listen to.

Monday 25 February 2019

850 word essay

How is the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show reaching, targeting and encouraging audience interaction? 

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show has done a great deal of improvement on their audience interaction. Unlike previous hosts, Greg James has introduced various segments into the show that have advanced its ways to interact with their audience, which has ultimately enhanced their amount of views.

Previous to Greg James, Nick Grimshaw was brought in by Radio 1, as he was expected to boost the ratings; due to his celebrity status and young people connection. he inherited a program with 7 million listeners a week but during his time in control of the program, which coincided with the explosive growth of smartphones and social media, this however dipped to about 5 million. And consequently, Ben Cooper made changes to switching Greg James, 26, to radio 1's main afternoon show from 4-7pm. As a result, James had added nearly 300,000 listeners in the final three months of 2018, averaging a weekly audience of 5.11 million, including those aged 15 and older. The breakfast show is now prime time for their audience with almost 6 million people listening nationally. And with almost 1 million followers, Greg James' social media is paramount to his career; he often posts humorous and positive messages beneath his photos and is highly more interactive with the population, involving a more friendly, and characteristic personality by his funny, chatty dialogue. Furthermore, this attracts the younger audience (between 15-29), not only due to the social media and interaction but also due to the trendy new music in comparison to the BBC older audience radio show, radio 4; a classical music and news orientated show. On the other hand, Nick Grimshaw was extremely fame focused, as he constantly posted photos of other celebrities and mentioned famous names, resulting in a distant relationship between himself and the audience. Positively, Bob Shannon, Director of BBC Radio and Music, says: "it's brilliant that out new and fresh Radio 1 Breakfast Show is doing so well, on air as well, as digitally on BBC Sounds, social media and youtube. Greg James is a superb DJ and we know his listeners love the show." Greg James has also insisted that radio 1 is entering a new era, and that anyone is allowed to listen, which is a good example of 'james promoting the new connection to pop culture.' And therefore, is another reason why the younger generation is far more interested in Greg James' aims and goals. 

BBC Radio 1 also reaches out to a wider audience by seeing the future mainly on Youtube and other important social medias. They have created their own personal YouTube channel, on which they have 5.5 million subscribers, where they upload videos of celebrity interviews and fresh, interesting games 6/7 days a week, providing a variety of content. This usually targets the younger generation, due to the explosive interest in watching or listening to certain aspects on youtube, so therefore do not tend to listen to the radio. Consequently, BBC Radio 1 is expanding due to the added exposure to a wider audience on social media. 

Another way Radio 1 interacts with their audience is by the website: this consists of the latest music, (which is updated frequently) live music and mixes (this will benefit the audience by showing them what has played so they can access it later after already listening to it) , such as live lounge, where artists sing covers; the official chart, radio 1 playlists, 'whats new', news, sports, weather, iplayer, sounds etc. All of these features are easily accessible for all ages and enables the audience to have a 'choice' in what they want to listen to or participate in. This interaction is further developed through the games; such as 'a journey back into fake Britain' - Greg James plays a game by ringing lots of callers and firing random questions, in which they have to respond with the first thing that comes into their head without panicking or thinking too much. The idea is that the person on the end of the phone is under pressure, which makes it more entertaining for the listeners. Examples of the sort of questions are: what noise does a koala make? Or a happy butterfly? These questions are unusual which engages the audience because Greg James can be known as a fun, younger guy, friendly, like your best mate- very likeable. Another part of the podcast presents him asking viewers what they listen to, to help them fall asleep. This is affective in receiving more listeners because it shows that the radio presenter has an interest in what their fans like and dislike. People want to get involved because a wide target audience listens to Radio 1.

Lastly, the BBC Radio 1 run a festival weekend, where they pay famous celebrity singers to perform, such as Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. This is a free event to go to as Radio 1 is not allowed to make money, however they sold a total of 175,000 tickets last year alone and was a great success, and as a result it is held in four different venues. This is a way for the company to target a wider audience and enable the audience to interact with them; they can enjoy and experience a fun festival. 

radio audiences and technology

Friday 15 February 2019

bbc research task


1.      How old is the BBC?

2.      Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC?

He was the founder of the British Broadcasting Company, he was the first general manager and it was set up in 1922.

3.      When did it start broadcasting Radio 1?
30th September 1967

4.      What are the BBC’s five Public Purposes, as set out in the Royal Charter?
Inform, educate and entertain.

5.      What is the BBC’s Mission?
To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain
6.      What is the BBC’s Vision?
To be the most creative organisation in the world.

7.      What are the BBC’s Values?
Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest. Audiences are at the heart of everything we do. We take pride in delivering quality and value of money. Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation. We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that everyone can give their best. We are one BBC; great things happen when we work together.

8.      What does the licence fee cover? 
Licence fee is currently £150.50; it helps watch or record live Tv programme on any channel. Download or watch any BBC programme on iPlayer – live, catch up on demand.

9.      How is the BBC regulated?  How long as this body regulated the BBC and who regulated it before?  
The Office of Communications (Ofcom) is the UK's broadcasting, telecommunications and postal regulatory body. Under the BBC's Charter it has responsibility for regulating the BBC. ... In addition, it regulates BBC content and output against its Broadcasting Code.

script for radio 1

  • last 10 seconds of Sam Fender (That sound)
  • Sting sound
  • Grace: 'that sound' by Sam Fender, a great up and coming artist to watch out for …this year.'
  • Radio 1 intro sound.
  • Grace (with background music):'I'll quickly send you over to Louis for the latest updates… and whether or not we're gonna get some sun… I'd love to get outside… bring me sunshine…' 

  • Weather intro sound

  • Louis (with background music): 'Thanks Grace… no promises on that sun…
Top stories at the moment… A schoolgirl from London that fled to the Islamic State is trying to return to the UK… as you'd expect, big problems are stirring on what the rules are for her re-gaining British citizenship…
Prince Phillip has said Goodbye once and for all to his lifetime driving license… the Duke was driven to this after the recent collision, loads of people commenting and protesting about the termination of his license…
And just this morning, reports of a car ploughing into pedestrians outside a Primary school in Birmingham… possibly multiple casualties… were not quite sure of the extent right now.. but will update you ASAP…

'The Weather today… miserable… doesn’t look like you're gonna get that sun quite yet Grace… Its gonna be a cold week… however, 13 degrees on Saturday, so we could be seeing a bit of sunshine over the weekend leading into a warmer few days next week…. but today, tomorrow… up until Saturday its gonna be a cold one… some light showers in the South… In the north its gonna be quite windy for the remainder of the week….. So could be a week to stay inside and binge a few series… back to you Grace.'

  • Sting sound

  • Grace: 'So like I said earlier on, we are doing a HUGE giveaway… taking place for a chance to Jet Off to Orlando with 3 special guests by your side…. of your choice…
All you had to do was Text us on 3 3 3 0 0 saying ORLANDO in capitals and we'll call one of you to ask the winning question… lines close in 20 seconds so if you didn’t enter earlier on, get texting now…….. I'm jealous…… American Sunshine and beaches….. sign me up…..
Get that text in now!...  in 3… 2… 1…. lines are now closed guys, The Lines Are Closed….
Lets see who our lucky winner is - We have John in Great Yarmouth on the line…. John, how are you feeling… are you confident ???'

  • George: 'Hi Grace, yea this is one of my favourite songs so im feeling super super super super super super super super great about it…'

  • Grace: 'Okay, that’s fantastic… lets hear a take on the song'
(song section plays and cuts before last lyric)
'So John, can you tell me what is sung just after the song cuts off?'
(He replies the correct answer)

  • George: 'I'm feeling smashing Grace, just smashing'

  • Grace: 'awwww, well there you go guys… John from Great Yarmouth is off to Orlando… don’t forget that you have the chance on the first Monday of every month… so keep listening… and scratch up on your songs….

  • Sting sound

  • Grace: 'next up we have some Jess Glynne for you all….. Thursday…'

  • Track starts playing

Saturday 9 February 2019

Radio One Play List for week commencing 22nd January 2018

Each BBC Radio station has a playlist of songs that it must play every day/week. These songs will be picked to help meet the service licence and mission to promote British talent and to attract the audience.  

Episode Timeline Activity 
We are going to create a timeline of everything that happens in an example of the Radio 1 Breakfast show.  In the exam, you need to be able to explain how the content of the show follows PSB rules and attracts its audience, and will therefore need to refer to real examples from a broadcast.  
Each group will be given a different section of the Radio 1 Breakfast Show to listen to.  The section will be approximately 30 minutes in duration.  Your group must note down everything that happens in your 30-minute section onto the grid.  At the end of the activity you will hand in your grid and your teacher will make a copy of it for the rest of the class.
Here is an example of the detail that you must go into when noting content:
After you’ve identified and written down the content of your section, you must answer the following questions:
  • How does the programme promotes British music?
Radio 1 play up and coming British artists’ songs at times where there is a big audience, which gives the artists a lot of attention. 
  • What percentage of tracks played during your slot were British?
  • What genres of music were played during your slot?  Do a tally.
Pop, Electropop, Hip-Hop/Rap 
  • Celebrity interviews – who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about?  How many of the interviews are with British people?
  • News items – list the stories and identify which relate to Britain.  
Stories on Brexit and football.
  • Quizzes and games – what can you win?
Quiz - FA cup tickets
  • How does the broadcast fits into the BBC ethos of ‘informing, educating and entertaining’?
It informs people by showing the news, it educates people through the news and it entertains people through music and involving the audience with quizzes.  
  • How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?
  • Who you think the audience is from the content of your section?  What evidence do you have for this?
In my section I think the target audience was around 15-30, as it was early in the morning where people would be going to school and work. Also, the person who was quizzed was 30 years old.
  • What platforms is the show is distributed on?
Radios, BBC iPlayer, the BBC website.
List A
List B
List C
Bruno Mars: Finesse
Avelino: 1 in a Million
Dream Wife: Hey Heartbreaker
Camila Cabello: Never be the Same
Big Boi: All Night
Fekky: My Size
Craig David: I know You
Diplo: Get it Right
Hailee Steinfeld: Let Me Go
Eminem: River
Dua Lipa: IDGAF
Jorja Smith: Let Me Down
James Arthur: Naked
G-Eazy & Halsey: Him & I
Kendrick Lamar: All the Stars
Jason Derulo: Tiptoe
HAIM: Nothing’s Wrong
Marmozets: Major System Error
Jax Jones: Breathe
Isaac Gracie: Terrified
Moose Blood: Talk in your sleep
J Hus: Bouff Daddy
Jessie Ware: Your Domino
Paramore: Fake Happy
MK: 17
Justin Timberlake: Filthy
Rae Morris: Atletico
Not3x: My Lover
Liam Payne & Rita Ora: For You
Rudimental: These Days
Ramz: Barking
One Bit & Noah Cyrus: My Way
Sunflower Bean: I was a Fool
Raye & Mr Eazi: Decline
Portugal: Feel it Still
The Vaccines: I Can’t Quit
Sigrid: Strangers
Post Malone: I Fall Apart
Taylor Swift: Gorgeous
Steel Banglez: Bad
Tom Walker: Leave a Light On
SZA & Calvin Harris: The Weekend

Greg James intro.
News, Sport, Weather.
Songs: The 1975 (English pop band), Cold Water (Major Lazer - American), Sucker Punch (Sigrid - Norwegian)
Quiz; FA cup tickets.
Song; Who are you (Anderson .Paak) (American) - Hip-Hop/Rap
Song; Jonas Blue - Polaroid
Ariana Grande - thank u, next

Chatty introduction - upbeat music in background.
interacts with audience by asking them a question - 'tell me all the tat you've got over Christmas'
give away FA CUP FINAL TICKETS - mentions the quiz for 7:15
Interaction with audiences - reads out responses and replies - chatty dialogue (social media) - requests the audience to swap their foods - starts another social media chain
'ive got loads of bounty and snickers over from Christmas if you are keen for a trade...'
'today's star listener' - fanfare and gift, giving away an elf on the shelf and some pasta for an 8 year old boy flying to Switzerland on his own - shout out. More replies and responses to audience
more responses coming through - James replies and answers questions - wide audience (massive interaction)
references yesterdays quiz, more tweets
without me - halsey
feel it still - the man
updates on tweets - more interaction with audience and has final answers for them

How does the programme promotes British music?  
- upbeat, house music in background
- new up to date music every 3/5 minutes 
- interacts with the songs 

      What percentage of tracks played during your slot were British?
      What genres of music were played during your slot?
      pop music - current (6:30-7)
      rap, pop, electronic (7:00-7:30)
      alternative rock, pop, house, indie rock, electronic (7:30-8)

          Celebrity interviews – who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about?  How many of the interviews are with British people?
          there was no interviews in my section however James Gregg asked questions via social media and replied with updates. 

              News items – list the stories and identify which relate to Britain.
              Quizzes and games – what can you win?
              prizes from his office, jam slam give away (super bowl tickets), quizzes (FA Final Cup Tickets). 'today's star listener' 

                  How does the broadcast fits into the BBC ethos of ‘informing, educating and entertaining’?

                      How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

                      Who you think the audience is from the content of your section?  What evidence do you have for this?
                      young, interactive audience, roughly 17-29 years old - social media platforms, replies and asks questions. Chatty dialogue between the audience and James Gregg.
                      Sports News / Weather
                      Sting. GJ gives out audience details
                      That Sound – Sam Fender
                      Sunflower – Post Malone ft. Swae Lee
                      Radio 1 Jan Slam (Giveaway)
                      Chris Stark joins show, mini interview
                      Losing It – Fisher
                      Sound Of List – Mentions Adele, Sam Smith, Ellie Goulding, Years & Years
                      Baby – Clean Bandit
                      Snippet of Captain Marvel Trailer
                      GJ talks about Camila Cabalio singing to her parrots. Discusses Sesame Street too.
                      Feels – Calvin Harris ft. Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Big Sean
                      Joke about Brexit
                      Homesick - Catfish and the Bottlemen

                      Jean Baudrillard