Thursday 6 February 2020

Stranger Things audience notes

  • 15-49 year olds
  • Why they love it- 80's nostalgia
  • How is the audience been targeted
  • Synergy with Netflix
  • Extensive Narrative Enigmas- Always wanting to know more about the story
  • Emotive representations
  • Realism- Friendship/loyalty, young protagonists, collective identity
  • Retro styling- Nostalgia, soundtrack, hybridisation- sci-fi, thriller
  • Must see appointment tv 
Gratifications theory- Personalisation (identify with characters), Information (anything that it teaches you), Entertainment (what viewers want), Social interaction (water cooler chat)
    • Escapist, non realist entertaining drama- Diversion
    • Discussed, written about, hyped and virally sold- Social interaction
    • Identity is key appeal e.g. Personal identity with notions of difference
    • Information is given on 1980's cultural history- Surveillance culture

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