Sunday 21 October 2018

Evaluation on Charity Advert


What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? As the audience wasn't typical of the product how did you manage to sell it? What was the name of your brand? 

My group and I was given a task to construct an advert for a disability charity towards a teenage audience, who struggle with addressing their stress. We decided to focus on the awareness of schizophrenia and display what they see and feel, which allows the viewer to understand the aspects of the disability. At the ending of the advert we applied important facts about schizophrenia, showing how serious this is but also stating the fact that they are not alone and there are people to help, like this Advertising Charity. Additionally, we display our slogan 'address your stress' along side the logo 'Z' (that stands for 'Zoloft', an antidepressant tablet). Subsequently, this further reinforces the help that we would provide and that dressing your stress, allows you to deal with it.  

Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?

For this project I worked with Tom Snow, Robert Mckinnon and Sofya Latepova. 

  • Tom was the main character, who impersonated an individual who has schizophrenia. 
  • Rob edited the advert, filmed and produced the plan.  
  • Sofya completed the analysis; analysing other videos that inspired our advert. 
  • I also helped with the plan, create ideas and film/act in some parts. 
  • Our responsibilities were quite fair, however I believe that Rob achieved too much in this project. To change this, me or Sofya could of helped with the editing. 

How did you plan your sequence? 

We organised a clear and sufficient plan, splitting the sequence in several parts - using a table - highlighting the camera shots, the duration, the process and the special effects. This helped us be organised and prepared as we knew what we was doing step by step. It allowed the group to display our different ideas, to see what worked and what didn't. 

What research did you undertake?

As we was advertising a charity, we had to research information about what other charities achieve, which could influence our video. For example, we noticed that most videos included: subtle and sad music, a slogan, facts and a soothing voice over. Furthermore, after deciding to focus on the aspect of schizophrenia, we watched more videos that focused solely on this disability, which helped a lot as this gave us a clear understanding of what we needed to include and involve in our advert. 

What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was your sequence?

My group and I was really happy with the final edit, due to the advert clearly showing how people with schitophrenia feel. The jolting shots and transitions, the suspicion of sensory overload, the dense and dark appearance, and lastly the dramatic non diegetic sounds imitates what this disability is. Therefore, I believe this project was very successful. Nonetheless, to improve I - personally - would include a softer appeal, with more meaning, which enables the audience to not only connect with the charity and its purpose but to understand what this certain individual is going through. 
We haven't been given initial feedback from others, however we would take negative and positive feedback inconsideration. 

What have you learnt from completing this task?

From this task i have learnt the importance of planning, communication, creative input and lastly using our initiative. 

  1. Planning allowed us to be extremely organised and confidently happy with the ending result. 
  2. Communication enabled our group to discuss what we liked and disliked and express our ideas. It also helped us to avoid misunderstandings and complete the project in a quicker and more efficient manner. 
  3. Putting forward our creative ideas was difficult as designing a charity for a disability was something we haven't done before. However, just by designing a name, slogan and logo dramatically helped as a starting point. Additionally, after researching our creative input increased. 
  4. Using our initiative allowed us to improve, prevent issues, and more importantly achieve an organised and well thought out project.

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Jean Baudrillard